What to keep in mind when buying clothes and toys for your children depends, of course, on their age, but there are some other general things to consider. Here we have compiled a list of eight important things to think about when buying clothes and toys for your children. Print it out and bring it with you when you go shopping!
1) Labels
Many children's products are manufactured according to common EU standards. CE marking is available for certain products, such as bicycle helmets and toys, which means that the manufacturer certifies that the product is safe. However, there is no guarantee that any authority has investigated the product.
2) Second Hand
We recommend buying used clothes and toys, as it's better for the environment and a lot cheaper, especially when your child grows quickly. Always check first to ensure that goods are undamaged, especially with regard to safety items such as bicycle helmets and car seats. Also, make sure they meet current safety requirements. Old toys and similar things can sometimes contain chemicals that are no longer approved, avoid them particularly as children tend to put them in their mouth.
3) Adapt to their age
If you have young children, keep in mind that you shouldn't buy toys with small, loose parts that can be swallowed, long strings that children can get around their neck, or toys with sharp edges with the risk to cut themselves on. Many toys are labeled with a symbol (like the ones below) that indicate the age the toy is suitable for.
4) Nontoxic
Plastic, paint and fabric can contain toxic substances that are harmful for your child, and some even contain substances that can affect a child' hormones. The best option is to buy non-toxic toys made from natural materials.
5) Clothing
Wash clothes before you allow your child to wear them, and buy used clothes whenever possible to avoid chemical residue from the manufacturing process. Also, make sure that clothes for small children don't have loose accessories such as buttons that could be a choking hazard.
6) Quality before quantity
Especially with rainwear and winter clothes, it's better to buy good quality garments. It will be cheaper in the long run and it is better for the environment. To the extent they're available, buy clothes with adjustable details, so that when your older child grows out, younger children can inherit them.
7) Easy to put on and take off
Children run in and out a lot, and you will save a lot of time and energy if you don't have to help them with dressing them as much. Especially for young children, shop for simplicity of use.
8) Functionality
Children are always playing in the dirt and clothes can easily become worn and dirty. Therefore, consider buying comfortable and durable clothes.
We hope that these tips will make it easier for you to find toys and clothes for your children that are gentler for both them and the environment.